Tuesday, June 3, 2008

We Come In Peace

Sadly, it's not the title of a new script (I should use it though, huh?). But I did just start work on my first science-fiction project. It's a blast so far. My last two scripts were heavy character studies, and with this new story, I'm taking a character-driven approach to the classic sci-fi thriller mold. It's been fun spending some time in (hopefully) the same sandbox as Clark, Lovecraft, King...I'm really digging it. Oh - and take my word: There definately, absolutely, positively are NOT any aliens. Seriously. I mean it. This isn't me saying there aren't aliens and meaning there really are. There aren't. It's not that I don't like aliens. I do. It's just that there aren't any. In this story. Now that we've settled that...