Friday, November 21, 2008

Wrestle This!

The Wrestler is a reminder that there are still great actors in our midst that have gone forgotten for too long. Fallen heroes of our youth who slipped between the cracks of time only to resurface at the most unexpected of moments. When we truly need them. And are richer for having bared witness to their gifts. Mickey Rourke's turn in this film easily rivals John Travolta's comeback in Pulp Fiction. What he's done to himself physically in life...his a somehow very appropriate for this role. I was lucky enough to catch a screening at the New York Film Festival last month, and although I was saddled with arguably the worst seat in the house, even that couldn't damper my enjoyment of the film. Mickey Rourke's bravura performance is one for the books - he was born to play this role. It's sad. Iconic. Real. Awesome. A simple story told simply. But with a cast that breaks your heart. I'm so thankful that Nicolas Cage, once up for the title role, was ceremonially dumped. Darren Aronofsky has scored another classic. Feast your eyes on the trailer goodness above.

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