Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I need to mention that I saw The Visitor last night, and, if it didn't mess with the flow of my Top 8 of '08 list, I would've added it. But 'Top 9 of '08' doesn't carry the same tune, does it?

I'd heard good things about The Visitor, but it fell off my radar until recently, and Richard Jenkins being nominated for a Best Actor Oscar a week ago rekindled my interest. Jenkins really pulls your strings in this coming-of-age film. His character is sort of in deep-hybernation throughout most of the running time, and it's only upon contact with a foreign couple squatting in his Manhattan apartment that he slowly starts to thaw. You really don't appreciate how good he is here until you've seen his comedic turn in Step Brothers (also released last year). In The Visitor , his character is the 'straight man' in every way. It's interesting to see how far this character-actor's range can stretch between two very different films. If you pick up the film, which I highly recommend you do, pay attention. Thomas McCarthy directed it and he also directed The Station Agent - another coming-of-age story about unlikely friendships and bonds.

While my "Top 8" list might have been somewhat preemptive, I'll notch this one under Runner Up for the time being. We'll see how it ages.

1 comment:

Kate said...

I thought it was particularly enjoyable. Love the picture selection :0)