Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Trenches

So here we are. This blog is bare as shit. Still trying to figure out how to mold it. My first thought...screenwriting! I'll answer any and everyone's questions on the trials and tribulations on the struggling writer, 'cause, well, hey - I'm in the trenches with you! Then I remembered...this is a big fucking trench...and I'm still trying to navigate my way through it. I'm a grunt fresh out of boot camp - I deliver steaming coffee in rusted tin cups to Second Class officers who've been here since year zero point five. If you're looking for the answer's to a screenwriter's bleeding heart, check out John August's fantastic blog (

My next thought was: how about dedicating this beast to filmmaking IN GENERAL! Then I realized...shit...I haven't made a film of any sort since 2005...I'm way the hell out of practice. So...what should I do?

Here's a solution: If you're interested in what I have to say through my burgeoning journey as a screenwriter - this is the place to do it. This is my trench - my learning curve - you're welcome to witness as this grunt serves hot coffee to men in uniforms who could give a shit. Let's hope they do!

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